How a Healthy Lifestyle Can Help Manage TMJ Disorder

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how a healthy lifestyle can help manage tmj disorder

Temporomandibular joint (TMJ) disorder is a condition affecting the jaw joint and muscles that control jaw movement. Its symptoms, including jaw pain, difficulty chewing, and clicking sounds, can significantly impact daily life. While various treatment options exist, adopting a healthy lifestyle can play a pivotal role with the help of a dentist in Legacy in managing TMJ disorder. In this blog, we explore the connection between a healthy lifestyle and the effective management of TMJ disorder.

1. Nutrition and Hydration

Maintaining a well-balanced diet is crucial for overall health and can positively influence TMJ disorders. Certain nutrients, such as calcium and vitamin D, contribute to strong bone health, including the temporomandibular joint. Opt for a diet rich in fruits, vegetables, lean proteins, and whole grains to ensure your body receives essential vitamins and minerals.

Adequate hydration is equally important, as it helps keep joints lubricated. Water is essential for the overall health of your body, including your joints, promoting flexibility and reducing the likelihood of joint discomfort.

2. Stress Management

Stress is a common trigger for TMJ disorder symptoms. Adopting stress management techniques can significantly alleviate jaw pain and discomfort. Practices such as meditation, deep breathing exercises, and yoga can help reduce overall stress levels and promote relaxation. Additionally, prioritizing adequate sleep contributes to overall well-being, allowing your body to repair and rejuvenate.

3. Posture and Body Mechanics

Maintaining good posture is essential for advanced TMJ treatment. Poor posture, especially in the neck and upper back, can contribute to jaw misalignment and increased tension in the temporomandibular joint. Be mindful of your posture throughout the day, especially when sitting at a desk or using electronic devices.

When engaging in physical activities, ensure proper body mechanics to avoid putting unnecessary strain on the jaw joint. For example, when lifting heavy objects, use your legs instead of relying solely on your jaw and neck muscles.

4. Oral Health Practices

Proper oral hygiene practices contribute to TMJ disorder management by reducing the likelihood of clenching and grinding, common habits associated with the condition. Regular oral check-ups can help know any problems early on and allow for timely intervention.

Using a night guard, prescribed by your dentist, can prevent teeth grinding during sleep, providing relief to the jaw joint. Additionally, being mindful of habits such as nail biting and chewing on non-food items can contribute to a healthier jaw.

5. Physical Activity

Engaging in regular, low-impact physical activity can improve overall joint health, including the temporomandibular joint. Activities like walking, swimming, and cycling promote circulation and reduce tension in the muscles surrounding the jaw. Consult with a healthcare professional or physical therapist to identify suitable exercises that won’t exacerbate TMJ symptoms.


While medical intervention is essential in managing TMJ disorder, embracing a healthy lifestyle can significantly contribute to symptom relief and overall well-being. By incorporating proper nutrition, stress management, good posture, oral health practices, and regular physical activity into your daily routine, you can empower yourself to better manage the challenges posed by TMJ disorder. Always consult with healthcare professionals for personalized advice and TMJ treatment near you plans tailored to your specific needs. Remember, a holistic approach to health can lead to a happier, more comfortable life despite the challenges of TMJ disorder.

Keeping up a healthy lifestyle is essential to the management of TMJ disorders. TMJ symptoms can be lessened by eating a balanced diet, exercising frequently, controlling stress, and getting enough sleep. TMJ & Sleep Centre provides a non-invasive way to treat TMJ dysfunction. To find out more about our non-surgical treatment alternatives, get in touch with Walden Dental Wellness now for a consultation.