How Can I Make My Smile Bright White?

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how can i make my smile bright white

Natural aging and daily nutrition contribute to maintaining a beautiful and healthy smile. Dark-coloured, sugary and acidic foods affect the overall health of our teeth; and regularly consuming these types of food may contribute to the discoloration of your smile. Daily care of your oral hygiene is necessary for the longevity of your teeth, but this does not necessarily mean teeth will be white or brighter as a result. At Walden Dental Wellness, we offer teeth whitening treatment to improve the appearance of your smile.

Do you need Teeth Whitening?

Here are a few reasons why your teeth are not as bright as you want them to look:

  • Dark Food and Drink – dark coloured foods and drinks can stain and change the overall appearance of your teeth.
  • Tobacco Use – tar and nicotine are the major components of tobacco that make your teeth look yellowish.
  • Wear & Tear – brushing your teeth over the years allows the dentin (yellowish surface of your teeth) to have more exposure.
  • Medications – young children who are given antibiotics may experience discoloration of the teeth sooner than other patients.

Receiving Teeth Whitening Near You

Teeth whitening is a simple, effective process. Teeth stains are first broken into smaller pieces using peroxide, making the colour of your teeth less pigmented to show a lighter colour.
Damaged teeth, fillings, veneers, and crowns may require additional treatment to achieve a brighter look. If you experience any of the above, contact our Walden dentist to better understand the teeth whitening treatments available.

Teeth Whitening Options in Legacy at Walden Dental Wellness:

At-Home Whitening

As the name suggests, at-home whitening treatments are usually pre-made kits to take home for your convenience. Take-home teeth whitening kits are available for purchase; however, visiting a dentist near you may provide a better teeth whitening experience.
The kits available for purchase are popularly worn at night before sleep. A whitening gel is provided to administer with a tray and must be worn for one or two hours per day during a lapse of two weeks to see better results. Gels for sensitive teeth are offered at our Walden dental clinic to prevent irritation.

In-Office Whitening

Unlike at-home whitening kits, in-office teeth whitening can be completed in just one appointment! Our Walden dentist uses advanced technology to perform the whitening treatment in hours rather than giving you trays with gel for a prolonged time. This process is not as effective as the at-home whitening, but we provide custom trays to take care of your smile after the in-office treatment.

Teeth Whitening Recommendations

With our experts in the field, we assure you that we have the most advanced and safest technology to be used during the whitening process to prevent tooth sensitivity and other issues. This treatment is affordable and achieves the results you dream of in a short time. Wear the bright smile you have dreamed of!

If you experience some slight discomfort when administering the at-home whitening kit, do not worry. A dentist near you is available for your convenience to aid and answer questions you may have regarding teeth whitening.

It is important to follow the instructions given to avoid damage to the gums or enamel. Contact a dentist near you if you have concerns; this should be an easy and pain-free treatment.

Call to book an appointment for teeth whitening in Walden today!