Temporomandibular Joint Disorder (TMD) is sometimes referred to as TMJ. Regardless of what it is called, its symptoms include pain in the neck, jaw, shoulders, and head that is often accompanied by a popping sound in the jaw and restricted range of motion when trying to open your mouth fully. Your dentist will screen for TMD and can help treat the condition. If you are looking for TMJ treatment in Walden, our clinic provides TMJ treatment near you.

tmj treatment in Walden

TMJ Treatment Near You

Screening is an effective tool for early detection of several health and dental conditions, including TMD. We screen for the risk of developing TMD by regularly asking three questions. Do you grind your teeth? Do you notice any popping or clicking sound in your jaw? Do you experience any limitations in the range of motion in your jaw? The goal of this screening process is to identify the development of TMD as early as possible and to permit quick intervention with treatment strategies.

Many patients with symptoms of TMD also clench their jaw and teeth, and grind their teeth, in their sleep — a condition called sleep bruxism. You may not know you suffer from sleep bruxism except by your experience of several symptoms that are common with those of TMD: tooth sensitivity and pain, loose and chipped teeth, worn tooth enamel, flattened teeth, and damaged dental work. Like with TMD, patients with sleep bruxism describe pain in the neck, face, and jaw; temple-focused headaches that feel like earaches; difficulty opening and closing your jaw; and tiredness.

TMJ Treatment near you consists of two elements. The first step in treatment is the creation of a custom-fit rigid mouthguard for you to wear at night. The mouthguard will act as a physical barrier between your teeth to ease the pressure exerted by clenching and to prevent grinding.

The second stage of TMJ treatment in Calgary, AB is to reshape the biting surfaces of your teeth. If the combination of those two stages of treatment is not effective, your dentist may recommend orthodontics to more completely reposition your teeth, or even surgery to significantly adjust your jaw and teeth.

Key Points About TMJ Treatment

  • Custom-fit mouthguards custom-made near you can also be an effective treatment for the specific symptoms of sleep bruxism
  • During your regular dental appointments, always tell your dentist about symptoms affecting your neck, jaw, face, head, and sleep since they all may relate to your teeth and jaws.

Searching for TMJ treatment in Legacy? Our clinic provides TMJ treatment near you.